Upcoming events

Note: Timezone listed in is Peru Standard Time.

Please ensure your timezone works for the Breathwork Journey.

Signup for a 3-pack or 5-pack option for virtual breathwork journeys and save!

3-Pack Virtual Breathwork Journeys: $88

5-Pack Virtual Breathwork Journeys: $144

Virtual Breathwork Journey & Ceremony

Virtual Breathwork Journey & Ceremony

Note: Timezone listed is in Central Standard Time Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg on May 18th for this Breathwork Journey & Intention Setting Ceremony. Open your Heart and set powerful intentions for your future, creating the spaces and opportunities for you to live your most Heart-centered Soul-aligned life!

For this ceremony, we will open the space and set intentions, tapping into the energies of our manifestations. This will be followed by a Breathwork Journey that will amplify and supercharge our intentions, clearing out any old stagnant energies and granting clarity for the path ahead.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life. I look forward to seeing you there!

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528 Portal Virtual Breathwork Journey

528 Portal Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in Central Standard Time Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg on May 28th for this Breathwork Journey & Sacred Ceremony, celebrating the frequency of 528 Hz! This ancient Solfeggio frequency has been utilized by the ancients for centuries because of its profound healing capabilities and its connection with the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras. Studies in recent years has shown that the frequency, 528 Hz, also has the capacity to heal and repair damaged DNA!

During this 5/28 Ceremony, open your Heart and set powerful intentions for your future, allowing for a deep cellular healing and activation to occur within you, creating the spaces and opportunities for you to live your most Heart-centered Soul-aligned life!

For this ceremony, we will open the space and set powerful intentions for this 528 Portal, tapping into the energies of our manifestations. This will be followed by a Breathwork Journey that will amplify and supercharge our intentions, clearing out any old stagnant energies and granting clarity for the path ahead.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life. I look forward to seeing you there!

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New Moon in Taurus breathwork Journey

New Moon in Taurus breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in Central Standard Time Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg on May 7th for this Breathwork Journey & Sacred Ceremony on a powerful New Moon in Taurus! This New Moon in Taurus grants you the opportunity to ground in all that you have been moving through, allowing you to set solid foundations and launching you in the direction of your goals, dreams and desires all from the comfort of your own home!

New Moons are associated with new beginnings and are powerful portals of manifestation. With 2024 being a year of abundance (an 8 year) and the Year of the Wood Dragon, this New Moon is a potent time to imbue your intentions with cosmic energy and granting clarity on the path ahead.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse breathwork Ceremony

New Moon Solar Eclipse breathwork Ceremony

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg on April 5th for this Breathwork Journey & Sacred Ceremony to prepare for a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th! New Moon & Eclipse energies begin 3 days before the event and last 3 days after, so this is a great opportunity to open the New Moon Eclipse Portal and amplify your intentions, launching you in the direction of your goals, dreams and desires all from the comfort of your own home!

New Moons are associated with new beginnings and eclipses have been revered throughout the ages as a powerful portal of manifestation. With 2024 being a year of abundance (an 8 year) and the Year of the Wood Dragon, this ending to the first eclipse portal of the year is a potent opportunity to imbue your intentions with cosmic energy and granting clarity on the path ahead.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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Spring equinox breathwork Ceremony
to Mar 20

Spring equinox breathwork Ceremony

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg for the Spring Equinox and tap into the energies of growth and abundance as we hold a special ceremony and Breathwork Journey, all from the comfort of your own home!

The Spring Equinox is a powerful portal that is associated with balance, harmony, growth, abundance and new beginnings. Coming out of the cold stillness of winter (the void), this marks a turning point from winter into the growth/action of spring.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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222 Portal Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Feb 23

222 Portal Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey on this 222 Portal and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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New moon Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Feb 11

New moon Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg for a powerful New Moon Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Jan 9

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Dec 12

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 2nd & 4th Monday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Nov 28

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 2nd & 4th Monday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Embodied Alchemy Virtual Workshop

Embodied Alchemy Virtual Workshop

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a 2-hour experiential virtual workshop of Breathwork, Shamanic Journeying, and revealing your Destiny. Connect with your body, communicate with your Spirit Team, and embody your greatest alchemy as you journey through this life.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe11” to receive $11 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you from the comfort of your own home.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe7” to receive $7 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

Note: Timezone listed is in East Africa Time. Virtual Breathwork Journeys take place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 8pm PST / 11pm EST.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Join Greg for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom within you.

In this 2-hour ceremonial container, you will experience a Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) followed by a Post-Journey Sharing Circle where you can share your experience in a safe and supportive space.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

Use coupon code “Breathe7” to receive $7 off your first virtual Breathwork Journey with THA.

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SBA Virtual Breathwork Journey

SBA Virtual Breathwork Journey

Join Greg and the Sacred Breath Academy for this expansive Virtual Breath Journey!

Dive deep into the power of your own Breath for deep healing, growth, and personal empowerment as you access and allow all parts of your multi-dimensional Self to surface in this safe ceremonial container.

BONUS: If this is your first Breathwork Journey with the Sacred Breath Academy, use coupon code “GREG11” and save $11 on your first Breathwork Journey with SBA!

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SBA Virtual Breathwork Journey

SBA Virtual Breathwork Journey

Join myself and the Sacred Breath Academy for this expansive Virtual Breath Journey!

Dive deep into the power of your own Breath for deep healing, growth, and personal empowerment as you access and allow all parts of your multi-dimensional Self to surface in this safe ceremonial container.

BONUS: If this is your first Breathwork Journey with the Sacred Breath Academy, use coupon code GREG11 and save $11 on your first Breathwork Journey with SBA!

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Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Feb 23

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Join me for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom capacities within you. In this 2-hour Breathwork Journey, we will have a ceremonial container established for the Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) and Post-Journey Sharing Circle, creating a safe atmosphere for all parts of your sacred Self to emerge. These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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Virtual Breathwork Journey
to Feb 3

Virtual Breathwork Journey

Join me for a powerful Virtual Breathwork Journey and tap into the innate healing and wisdom capacities within you. In this 2-hour Breathwork Journey, we will have a ceremonial container established for the Breathwork Journey (roughly 60 minutes of active breath followed by 20-30 minutes of integration/savasana) and Post-Journey Sharing Circle, creating a safe atmosphere for all parts of your sacred Self to emerge. These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life.

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Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms
to Dec 17

Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms

Join the powerful ceremony of Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms and experience firsthand the medicine of Breath and Music. Regulate your nervous system, cleanse your emotional and energetic body, and step into greater levels of authenticity. Breathe in Life and allow the harmonizing frequencies of music, live percussion, and sound healing to bathe your cells in healing energies. Your body holds all the answers and your Breath is the Key.

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Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms
to Dec 14

Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms

Join us for a magical and expansive evening of Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms.

This ceremonial experience will entail a powerful conscious-connected Breathwork Journey where you will have the opportunity to heal and clear past wounds and reconnect with your Heart, allowing you to access greater levels of authenticity and embodiment in your life. Mystic Rhythms will be providing live percussion throughout the journey followed by a Sound Healing, allowing you to align and attune as you integrate the experience. This will be a powerful ceremony that will allow you to access the innate wisdom living inside of you, just a breath away.

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SBA Breath Journey

SBA Breath Journey

Join the Sacred Breath Academy for this expansive Virtual Breath Journey!

Dive deep into the power of your own Breath for deep healing, growth, and personal empowerment as you access and allow all parts of your multi-dimensional Self to surface in this safe ceremonial container.

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Energetic Intimacy Journey
to Dec 10

Energetic Intimacy Journey

Join Greg and Keilani for an Energetic Intimacy Journey at Trilogy Sanctuary! In this expansive ceremonial container, explore Intention, Connection, Embodiment and open to your true essence in a safe community setting.

This will be a powerful ceremony that you will want to join! The more intimate we become with the energetics of the Universe, the more we can strengthen our relationships to Self, Community, and Mother Nature through Intention, Connection, and Embodiment.

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SBA Breath Journey

SBA Breath Journey

Join the Sacred Breath Academy for this expansive Virtual Breath Journey!

Dive deep into the power of your own Breath for deep healing, growth, and personal empowerment as you access and allow all parts of your multi-dimensional Self to surface in this safe ceremonial container.

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Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms
to Nov 13

Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms

Join us for a magical and expansive evening of Sacred Breath & Mystic Rhythms.

This ceremonial experience will entail a powerful conscious-connected Breathwork Journey where you will have the opportunity to heal and clear past wounds and reconnect with your Heart, allowing you to access greater levels of authenticity and embodiment in your life. Mystic Rhythms will be providing live percussion throughout the journey followed by a Sound Healing, allowing you to align and attune as you integrate the experience. This will be a powerful ceremony that will allow you to access the innate wisdom living inside of you, just a breath away.

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Sacred Breath & Shamanic Sound
to Nov 12

Sacred Breath & Shamanic Sound

Through Sacred Breath & Shamanic Sound Healing we tap into the infinite space of our own hearts & remember that we carry all the answers within. In this ceremonial space, Greg Moran will guide us into the Sacredness our Breath as we get to connect to the deepest & most expansive parts of ourselves & experience the Unity & Inter-connectedness of our Spirit & each other.

Helping you along your breath journey to clear & remove any old, stagnant or toxic energies, Dr. J Star Hawk will facilitate the shamanic sound healing which is focused on energetically scanning the body & breaking up blockages within the chakras or specific parts of the body that needs healing & realignment.

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SBA Breath Journey

SBA Breath Journey

Join the Sacred Breath Academy for this expansive Virtual Breath Journey!

Dive deep into the power of your own Breath for deep healing, growth, and personal empowerment as you access and allow all parts of your multi-dimensional Self to surface in this safe ceremonial container.

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Sacred Breathwork Journey

Sacred Breathwork Journey

Join Greg for an expansive Sacred Breathwork journey, dropping deep into your innermost being and accessing the profound healing and wisdom within you. Through the clearing of old energies and emotions, you create space for the new to enter, allowing you to step into new levels of personal empowerment, embodiment and presence. By connecting with the power of your breath, you have the ability to drop out of the mind, come into the body, open your heart and awaken to your true Divine Nature. This will be a truly magical evening of healing, reclamation and activation.

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Upcoming retreats

“Let Us Grow!” 3-Day Weekend Retreat

July 18-21, 2024 in Mullerthal, Germany

Join Mie and Greg for a weekend filled with yoga, breathwork, and other nourishing practices to embody our fullness and celebrate expansion and growth in this summer season. Throughout the weekend, we will use yoga, breathwork and other practices and rituals to come back to ourselves.

This will be a powerful opportunity to tap into the energies of Earth during summer, allowing you to grow and expand through breath, yoga, music and ceremony!

Inner Alchemy Weekend Retreat

August 10-11, 2024 in St. Blasien, Germany

Join Francesca Martinez and myself for a powerful two-day weekend retreat at a beautiful location complete with spa and ceremonies to allow you to connect deeply with yourself, your loved ones and life itself! We will show you how to practice powerful shamanic rituals, how to release your past blocks that are holding you back from living your dreams and how to become magnetic for success, a healthy relationship and all the goals you want to achieve. In the safety of powerful brotherhood and sisterhood, heal and reclaim what is important for you and begin to live the life of your dreams.

Love Live Life Men’s Transformational Retreat

November 20-29, 2024 in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Come join Ty, Thijs, and myself, as well as a brotherhood of men, for a transformational men’s retreat on the beautiful island of Zanzibar! You will stay in luxury accommodations at Zen Boutique Resort, near the stunning beaches of Jambiani in the heart of tropical paradise.

Find your Tribe, your family, your new friends for life. Here at Live Life Retreats one our core beliefs is friendship. We believe in connecting people and making those connections last a lifetime. We will help you know your worth with mindfulness, breathwork, cold water therapy, yoga, fitness & so much more!

Connect deeper with yourself, with a brotherhood and community, and with the natural world in this 10-day transformational retreat.