a 3-month 1:1 Embodiment MENTORING program


a 3-month container, is designed to meet you where you currently are, allowing you to receive the healing, clarity and insight needed to move forward in integrity, embodiment, and health. We will work together in a 1:1 setting, allowing you to receive highly personalized sessions focused around nervous system regulation, leading to profound healing, growth, insights and clarity for you to live a life that feels expansive and fulfilling, connecting you to a deeper sense of purpose and presence.

Included in this 1:1 container are 3 breathwork journeys per month (9 total), weekly Integration Calls (12 total), 1 energy healing session per month (3 total), as well as additional embodiment practices to integrate into a daily practice, all of which function to support you in reconnecting to and embodying your innate wholeness.

If you are ready to step through the door and make quantum leaps in your life in a safe and expansive container, then this is the program for you.

Spaces are limited to 3. Click the button below to fill out your application or to schedule your free 30 minute Connection Call.

What You Receive:

  • You will receive 3 Breathwork Journeys per month (12 total) during our time together.

    Breathwork Journeys are one of the most effective modalities in clearing self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging programs, healing past emotional wounds, and resolving trauma on a cellular level. They are also highly effective in re-establishing connection to your authentic Self, gaining clarity on your path ahead, deepening into appreciation for you life journey, and embodying a more present, authentic and fulfilled You.

    “One breathwork session is equivalent to about two years of psychotherapy.”
    -Dr. Henry Rohrberg, PhD, Psychologist

  • You will receive four personalized Integration Calls per month (12 total) during our time together in this program.

    These calls will focus on what you are currently moving through and experiencing in life. Through a combination of embodiment and energetic practices and other healing modalities, you will gain beneficial tools and techniques ,as well as the perspective changes that will allow you to move forward in life.

    The practices, insights, and clarity from these calls are what really allows you to ground and integrate what is needed for you to claim the life you know is possible for you.

  • You will receive one Reiki / Shamanic Energy Healing session per month (3 total) during our time together.

    These sessions can be powerful in their ability to clear or stagnant energy and stuck emotions, restoring a healthy flow of Qi (life-force energy) to the body’s channels.

  • You will also receive additional WhatsApp support during our time together, allowing you to reach out at any time to receive support.


The endless hamster wheel of repeating patterns and behaviors that you know are not serving you does not have to be your reality any longer. There is another way.

Through doing the deep inner work and reconnecting fully to your body’s wisdom, you come to discover that another life is available to you. One of deep connection with Self. One of deep connection with the world and people around you. One of adventure, presence, prosperity, and joy. One of true spiritual fulfillment that ripples throughout all levels of your being.

It is all there, waiting for you to make the commitment to yourself, to take the steps necessary to claim this life. However, no one else can do this for you. It must be you who chooses it for yourself.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu

If you are feeling ready to take that first step, know that the Universe will respond with miracles and synchronicities beyond belief. That first step sends ripples throughout the cosmos, letting Life itself know that you are ready to claim the life you know you came here to live.

If this feels like a full-body YES, then I invite you to fill out the application below and begin your journey towards RECLAMATION.