Your body holds all The answers.

Your body contains everything you need to heal, grow, and thrive in this existence. Through Conscious-Connected Breathwork, Energy Healing, Shamanic Practices, Integration Mentoring, and other holistic healing modalities, I walk alongside you, helping you to reconnect with your body, reveal the blockages in your life, and guide you on a journey back home to your Heart.

You have everything you need within you to heal. I am here to provide the resources and support to guide to that realization.

It is time for you to remember who you are.

It is time for you to Awaken True Health.

30 days of breath connection

is an exploration of how you can use your breath in your daily life for your greatest expression!

Learn how to regulate your nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety, improve digestion and detoxification in the body, boost your energy levels, optimize your health, and listen to the subtle whispers of your intuition. Through developing a connection with your breath, you deepen your levels of awareness and presence, allowing you to engage more fully with what you love.

Each of these 30 days will contain a unique breathing practice accompanied with knowledge and wisdom about its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits. Through these daily breathing practices, journal prompts, discussions, and more, you will be able to experience firsthand how each specific technique can be used to enhance your day-to-day life.

Click here to learn more about 30 Days of Breath Connection!

If you are ready to sign up, click below and begin to experience the massive benefits that Breath Connection has for you.

You have dreams, aspirations, and desires of what your life could be. When you close your eyes, you can feel so clearly that there must be more. Maybe you even see glimpses of this life and can feel what it would be like to be living this life.

However, you feel something is blocking you from being able to live this life.

You feel stuck, stagnant, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed. You have this feeling there must be more to life than what you are currently experiencing, yet you aren’t quite sure what that is or what to do about it. You desire to experience something more, something bigger, something more expansive, something more heart-centered.

Regardless of your situation, this feeling is to experience a deeper connection to your true Self and to the world around you.

I have been there before. I have experienced what it is like to be numb to my feelings and emotions, the frustrations that arise from living a life that doesn’t feel true, and know the struggle of lacking true connection to the life within you and around you.

I see you. I feel you. And I want you to know there is more.

So. Much. More.

Another life is available to you. One of deep connection with Self. One of deep connection with the world and people around you. One of adventure, presence, prosperity, and joy. One of true spiritual fulfillment that ripples throughout all levels of your being.

It is all there, waiting for you to make the commitment to yourself, to take the steps necessary to claim this life. However, no one else can do this for you. It must be you who chooses it for yourself.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu

And yet, even if you feel this deeper knowing that there must be more, it can still feel so difficult, even daunting, to begin to take the steps towards your desired life.

Why is that?

From all that I’ve encountered in more than a decade of lived personal experience, extensive research, and in-depth trainings, from healing my body from ‘incurable’ autoimmune disease (ulcerative colitis), to diving deep into somatic embodiment work, resolving self-limiting and self-sabotaging patterns/beliefs and clearing deeply embedded blockages, to training and mentoring in ceremonial, indigenous and shamanic work, I have been able to align myself with a life that that I am excited and grateful to be living, because it feels true to myself and my deeper Purpose.

Throughout this process, I realized the underlying thread that tied all of these pieces together was

Nervous System Regulation

Pretty much everything that we experience in life is processed through the nervous system. As such, I believe the key to true health at every level of your Being is in learning to regulate your nervous system through forming connections between your external world and your personal somatic experience (your body).

In my work, through the creation of safe ceremonial containers, you are able to explore your deeper psycho-emotional landscape, unearth and clear any energetic blockages, and allow your creative life-force energy (prana & kundalini) to flow freely once again, propelling you towards the more connected life you intuitively know is possible.

If you are reading these words right now and feel something resonating inside of you, know that these blocks are now acting as invitations to dive deep into yourself to uncover what it is they have to show you. They are invitations to examine the stories that your mind has created around these events and the subsequent patterns that have developed as a result. These stories may have served at one point, protecting a past version of self who didn’t know any better, yet they are now keeping you stuck and are asking to be resolved and dissolved.

True healing is a process and a journey through which you re-connect with all aspects of yourself, resulting in an awakening to the authentic truth living inside of you. It is in opening yourself to examining these blocks that you begin to heal. Through this journey, you begin to find the courage and resiliency that allows you to live the life you truly desire.

It is in developing intimacy with all parts of your lived experience that allows for your greatest expression to be lived.

It is in meeting your greatest wounds that you are able to access your greatest gifts.

And yet, this can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin. This is where I come in. Through my offerings of breathwork, coaching, reiki/shamanic energy healing, embodiment practices (such as yoga, intuitive movement, somatic exercises, etc.), shamanic journeys, and other holistic healing modalities, I work with you to safely peel back the layers of these stories, guiding and supporting you as you heal and rewrite these internal programs in ways that serve you. In doing so, you develop greater levels of trust and intimacy with your internal world, learning to trust the innate wisdom living within you and expanding your capacity to hold yourself and thrive through the many seasons of life.

The life you desire is already here, waiting for you to take the steps towards claiming it for yourself.

It would be my greatest honor to support you in realizing that dream.

So how can you begin to clear these blockages, heal self-limiting beliefs, reconnect with your body, and finally begin living a heart-led life?


Using Conscious-Connected Breathwork, you are able to access the subconscious realms of your mind, connect deeper with your body, heal and resolve emotional wounds, and become more present and loving throughout all areas of your life.

On a physical level, Breathwork allows you to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing you out of chronic states of stress, resulting in enhanced energy levels, improved immune function, greater sleep quality, detoxification and digestion, and much more.

In addition to the physical benefits, Breathwork allows you to access repressed emotions that may be living beneath the surface of your conscious awareness. Emotions are just energy in motion and when your emotions are not able to be freely expressed, the energy within the emotions get stored in the body, creating stagnation and stress that keeps your body stuck in chronic states of fight-or-flight. Through creating safe containers to freely express the full range of your emotions, you are able to effectively clear these channels and return to the flow of life.

Diving even deeper, neuroscience now shows that upwards of 95% of an individual’s waking reality is actually controlled by their subconscious programming, meaning that the thoughts, behaviors, and decisions are mostly the result of underlying dynamics of which they have little to no control over. The vast majority of these programs are also self-limiting and self-deprecating, often based in lack, scarcity, struggle, and competition, keeping the individual stuck in perpetual cycles that are not serving of the life they truly desire to live.

Through utilizing Breathwork, you are able to gain direct access to these subconscious programs, granting you a rare opportunity to rewrite these programs in ways that serve and support the life of your most expansive dreams.

Breathwork is one of the few methods that allows you to drop out of the mind and come into the body. In doing so, you are able to reconnect with the innate wisdom living inside of you, granting you the opportunity to experience and embody the life you know you came here to live.

Greater levels of embodiment, presence, and personal happiness. Increased levels of compassion, empathy, resiliency, and emotional intimacy. Deeper connection with your true Self and with the Divine Power living within you. This is just some of what Breathwork is able to offer you.

These sessions are often life-changing experiences and can leave you with a profound sense of clarity, stillness, and embodiment. Just one session can completely change the course of your life for the better. This was certainly the case for me.

integration mentoring/coaching

With Integration Mentoring/Coaching, you are able to receive personalized 1:1 guidance and support in exploring the subconscious realms of the mind, unearthing any self-limiting stories and beliefs that may be present, and clearing blockages that are keeping you stuck. In doing so, you will be able to finally let go of the past and take action towards living a more fully embodied life.

As a Coach, my job is not to ‘change’ you in any way. My job is to guide you back to the wisdom living within you, for I truly believe that your body holds all the answers and knows infinitely more about you than I ever could. I am here to walk alongside you on your journey, to help you peel back the layers of the stories that keep you stuck, to support you through the growing pains of expansion, and to guide you back to yourself over and over again through asking the right questions.

Through taking a full-spectrum approach to healing, diving deep into your unique physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual landscape, we work to soothe and regulate your nervous system, creating safety and connection in the body. This then allows us to look into the deeper layers, illuminating the stories that keep you stuck. Once the underlying belief is revealed, I work to help you clear these blockages and rewrite these programs to serve you, allowing you to begin to live the life you’ve always envisioned.

The sign of a good mentor/coach is to guide you back to yourself over and over and over again. My goal as your Mentor/Coach is to do just this, allowing you to unearth and access the immense power and love that is already within you. It is my intention that after working with me, you will have the tools, the resources, and the resiliency to trust in yourself, take the leaps that the Heart asks of you, and live the life of your dreams.

There are a number of different ways we can work together to help with your unique personal situation. Whether you choose an individual session or decide to join a longer containers, I am confident that you will leave feeling more empowered, more open, and with greater levels of clarity, love, and presence.

To learn more, click the link below to explore how we can work together.

Reiki/shamanic Energy Healing

Reiki is the ancient Japanese art of channeling Universal energy through one’s hands or through the quantum field for one’s healing. A Reiki session is a gentle, non-invasive, and powerful modality where energy is channeled from practitioner to patient, catalyzing a transformative process of clearing the chakras, cleansing blockages and removing cords, dissolving attachments which cause disease, and restoring your natural energy flow, activating and amplifying your body’s self-healing capabilities. There is no physical touch necessary as the healing happens in the energetic and quantum fields.

Shamanic energy healing is an ancient practice that has been used by indigenous/shamanic societies throughout history. Through creating a strong ceremonial container and calling upon personal Spirit Guides, Animals, Angels, and other allies, your energy healing session will be supercharged through the aid and presence of these benevolent beings. In my experience, the messages and clearings that take place during these sessions can be truly profound and the benefits of even a single session can last long into the future.

These sessions take place either in-person or over Zoom, depending on location and availability. Live sessions over Zoom allow you to receive the healing energies from the comfort of your own home as I connect to your energy through the Quantum Field. Rest, relax, breathe, or sleep as you receive powerful Reiki healing, clearing and removing stagnant energies and emotional blockages, and cleansing your energetic body of any attachments that no longer serve your greatest expression.

These sessions can be greatly beneficial in clearing and restoring the natural energy channels of the body, empowering your present and future, and in allowing the original blueprint of true health to be remembered on a cellular and energetic level.

To explore offerings and book a session, click the link below!


To find out how I may best serve you, click the link below and schedule your free Discovery Call.